These pathways were developed to increase care integration and clarify the roles and responsibilities of clinicians and providers involved in the support of Australians living with dementia in the community.
The pathways were developed by an expert team through a Delphi process involving:
- 43 interviews with policy makers, service providers, clinicians and other stakeholders from which the pathways were drafted.
- surveys provided on the pathways completed by 17 people living with dementia, 66 carers and 125 professionals from a range of backgrounds.
- an Expert Consensus meeting with five people living with dementia, two carers, and 17 professionals who discussed and deleted or revised pathway components with which 80% of participants did not agree with.
Shared care pathways for people living with dementia in the community:
- Pathway part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis
- Pathway part 2: Medical and Psychosocial Support
- Dementia Together Pathways Roles and Responsibilities