Feel better prepared for life with dementia

For people with dementia

For carers

For healthcare professionals
This website gives you answers after a dementia diagnosis.
You’ll find up-to-date information from clinicians and researchers, practical suggestions and stories from people living with dementia and carers, and tools to help you come to terms and live positively with dementia.
This website is your guide for the first year after diagnosis. It will help you choose your own path forward with dementia.
Explore stories and news
Finding culturally appropriate support after diagnosis
Australian Multicultural Community Services provide personalised support to Otto and Ann, including offering culturally specific food and assisting Otto in pursuing his interests.
Medication update: Lecanemab
By Scientia Professor Henry Brodaty
How to best survive the heat (and humidity) this summer
Learn four ways to support someone with dementia to cope with heat and humidity.