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Communities for Dementia update

Dementia Action Week (16 - 22 September) is fast approaching and this year's theme is "Act Now for a Dementia Friendly Future."

The ‘Communities for Dementia’ research project is taking action in developing a framework and approach to support Dementia Friendly Communities (DFCs) to evaluate their impact.

Following considerable research including a series of meetings, consultations with a dementia advisory group and stakeholders including Dementia Australia (DA), a draft evaluation framework was developed at the end of last year. This year, the research team worked with several DFCs and DA Community Development Officers to pilot the draft framework and resources.

Piloting the draft framework

Eight Dementia Alliances took part in the pilot, with participants attending a series of four, two-hour workshops. They were supported with workbooks, group activities and ‘drop in sessions’ with the research team. Each Dementia Alliance worked through the steps in an evaluation cycle including:

  • developing aims
  • defining evaluation measures/indicators
  • selecting tools
  • reflecting on ethical considerations
  • analysing and making meaning of data, and
  • creating useful reports.

The Dementia Alliances piloted the framework to evaluate a distinct project appropriate to their DFC’s context, skill and experience.

Alliance Alliance Focus Activity  Evaluation focus
Ballina YOD carer support group Program impact
Canterbury Bankstown CALD dementia service expo Effectiveness to promote knowledge and connections
Logan Dementia choir Program experience
Port Macquarie Dementia choir Program satisfaction and needs
Holdsworth Dementia awareness sessions Program satisfaction and needs
Goulbourn-Loddon Main street accessibility Environmental barriers and enablers of access and social participation
Swan CALD outreach Effectiveness of current strategies to reach CALD communities
Tasmania Dementia cafe Program impact


The draft evaluation framework and resources were adapted and refined as needed during this pilot phase. The research team will continue to support each dementia alliance to analyse and report their results and use a reflective process to recommend changes to activities as needed.

Feedback from some of the participants:

‘The workshops have helped me in many roles I undertake and helped me juggle of the different balls I juggle and the different hats I wear.’

Anne, Dementia Friendly Tasmania

‘Your H frame model and discussion yesterday really proved just how important it is to have your scaffolding right prior to moving ahead.’

Althea, Swan Dementia Alliances, WA

‘I love the resources and the collaboration you are providing!’

Louise, Dementia Friendly Ballina, NSW


Next steps

Toward the end of the year, researchers will meet again with participants and stakeholders to discuss evaluation learnings and refine resources based on feedback. They will work with DA to determine how other DFCs can be supported to access the evaluation framework, resources and training.


For more information

If you would like to know more about the preliminary results of this project, and/or the new DFC evaluation framework please email Lyn Phillipson

For more information on Dementia-Friendly Communities, please visit the Dementia Australia website.