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Telling someone they have dementia

1.3 What to ask your doctor

Your doctor can advise you on treatments and lifestyle

Some people with dementia said that after they were told that they had dementia, they found it hard to take in any other information at that doctor’s appointment. They told us that they weren’t given enough information at that appointment. They strongly suggested making a follow-up appointment to find out more about your particular type of dementia and ask questions. If you can’t get a follow-up appointment with the person who gave you the diagnosis, then make an appointment with your general practitioner.

  • Ask your doctor to explain the results of the investigations used in diagnosing your dementia (e.g. neuropsychological tests, brain scans, blood tests).
  • Ask the doctor to highlight your strengths and weaknesses and the symptoms they think are significant.
  • Your doctor can also give advice on how you can treat, compensate or adjust to life with dementia.

Here is a list of Possible questions for your doctor to ask your doctor. You might find this helpful as a starting point for the questions you’d like to ask your doctor. Write them down or print them out so you can take them and ask your doctor at your next appointment.


Contact your doctor

Ask your specialist or your GP questions about your dementia diagnosis. Download and print Possible questions for your doctor and take them to your next appointment. You can add your own questions as well.